Born in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1955; works and lives in Johannesburg
Drawings and Editions, Greg Kucera Gallery, Seattle
William Kentridge: New York Editions, Barbara Krakow Gallery, Boston
William Kentridge: New York Editions, Marian Goodman Gallery, New York
The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York
William Kentridge: A View of Personal Conflicts Set Against the Background of South Africa, Hirshhorn Museum, Washington, DC
William Kentridge: Ubu Tells the Truth and Other Stories - Works from Valley Collections, Nelson Fine Art Center, Arizona State University Art Museum, Tempe
Prints and Drawings, Greg Kucera Gallery, Seattle
Gracie Mansion, New York
46th International Short Film Festival, Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, Germany (South African representative)
Museo d'Arte Contemporani de Barcelona, Barcelona (survey exhibition)
Projects 68, Museum of Modern Art (Project Room), New York
MIT List, Cambridge, MA
Serpentine Gallery, London (survey exhibition)
Centre de la Vielle Charite, Marseille (survey exhibition)
Neue Galerie Graz, Austria (survey exhibition)
Premiere of Stereoscope, Marian Goodman Gallery, New York
Paris Goodman Gallery, Johannesburg
The Drawing Centre, New York Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego
Stephen Friedman Gallery, London
Societe des Expositions du Palais des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles, Brussels
Kunstverein Munchen, Munich (survey exhibition)
Applied Drawings, Goodman Gallery, Johannesburg
Eidophusikon, Annandale Galleries, Sydney
Felix in Exile, Goodman Gallery, Johannesburg
Ruth Bloom Gallery, Los Angeles
Drawings for Projection, Goodman Gallery, Johannesburg (traveling to Vanessa Devereux Gallery, London)
Five Gouache Collage Heads, Newtown Galleries, Johannesburg
William Kentridge: Drawings and Graphics, Cassirer Fine Art and Gallery on the Market, Johannesburg
Responsible Hedonism, Vanessa Devereux Gallery, London
Cassirer Fine Art, Johannesburg
In the Heart of the Beast, Vanessa Devereux Gallery, London
Standard Bank Young Artist Award (an associated exhibition in Grahamstown toured nationally)
AA Vita Award for William Kentridge, Cassirer Fine Art, Johannesburg
Cassirer Fine Art, Johannesburg South African Arts Association, Pretoria
Market Theatre Award for New Visions
Domestic Scenes, The Market Gallery, Johannesburg
The Market Gallery, Johannesburg
The Divine Comedy: Francisco Goya, Buster Keaton, William Kentridge, Vancouver Art Gallery, BC, Canada
One Thousand Words: Storytelling Images from Cultures Around the World, John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, WI
Change no Sorry, Joao Ferreira Fine Art, Cape Town, South Africa
Text: Read All About It!, Greg Kucera Gallery, Seattle
Carnegie International 1999/2000, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, PA
3rd Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai Art Museum, China
Emergence, Standard Bank Gallery, Johannesburg
Lasting Impressions: Contemporary Prints from the Bruce Brown Collection, Portland Museum of Art, ME
La Memoire (1999 phase of La Ville, Le Jardin, La Memoire), Academie de France a Rome, Villa Medici, Rome
Act 1 (1999 phase of Act 1, Act 2, Act 3), Kunstforening, Copenhagen
48th International Venice Biennale: d'APERT utto, Giardini di Castello and the Arsenale, Venice
The Passion and the Wave, 6th Istanbul Biennale, Istanbul (South African representative)
Unfinished History, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago
A Sangre y Fuego / No Quarter Given, Espai d'art Contemporanea di Castello, Spain
Life Cycles, Galerie fur Zeitgenssische Kunst, Leipzig
Tachikawa Arts Festival, Tachikawa
Vertical Time, Barbara Gladstone Gallery, New York
Nominee for Hugo Boss Prize, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
Shoot at the Chaos, SPIRAL/Wacoal Art Center, Tokyo
Breaking Ground, Marian Goodman Gallery, New York
XXIV Bienal de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo (South African representative)
Unfinished History, Walker Art Center
Museo de la Ciudad, Mexico City
Sexta Bienal de la Habana El Individuo y su Memoria, Cuba
Citte/Nattura: Mostra Internazionale di Arte Contemporanea, Villa Mazzante, Rome
Documenta X, Museum Fredericianum, Kassel
Truce: Echoes of Art in an Age of Endless Conclusions, Site Santa Fe, NM
2nd Johannesburg Biennale Trade Routes: History and Geography, Johannesburg
Les Arts de la Resistance: Fin de Siecle, Johannesburg, Galerie Michel Luneau, Nantes
Delta, ARC Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville Paris, Paris
UBU 101, collaborative exhibition with Deborah Bell and Robert Hodgins, Standard Bank National Festival of the Arts, Grahamstown
Simunye: We Are One, Adelson Galleries, New York
Faultlines, The Castle, Cape Town
10th Sydney Biennale Jurassic Technologies Revenant, Sydney
Ici et Ailleurs, film section within Inklusion-Exklusion, Graz
Don't Mess with Mr. In-between, Culturgest, Lisbon
Campo 6: The Spiral Village, Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Turin
Colours: Art from South Africa, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
Africus 1st Johannesburg Biennale: Memory and Geography, collaboration with Doris Bloom
Memory and Geography, collaboration with Doris Bloom, Stefania Miscetti Gallery, Rome
Panoramas of Passage: Changing Landscapes of South Africa, touring USA and South Africa
Mayibuye iAfrika, Bernard Jacobson Gallery, London
On the Road, Delfina Studio Trust, London
4th Istanbul Biennale Kentridge exhibition Eidophusikon
Trackings: History as Memory, Document and Object, Art First, London
Displacements, Block Gallery, North Western University, Chicago
Spacex Gallery, University of Exeter, UK
Easing the Passing of the Hours, Goodman Gallery, Johannesburg
45th Venice Biennale South African group exhibition, In Croc Del Sud
Little Morals, collaboration with Deborah Bell and Robert Hodgins, Taking Liberties Gallery, Durban
Art from South Africa, Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, touring UK
African Encounters, Dome Gallery, New York, touring to Washington DC
Claes Eklundh, William Kentridge, Thomas Lawson, Simon/Neuman Galleries, New York
But this is the Reality, The Market Gallery, Johannesburg
Cape Town Triennial '85, South African National Gallery, Cape Town
Tributaries, Market Theatre precinct; touring Germany
Hogarth in Johannesburg, collaboration with Deborah Bell and Robert Hodgins, Cassirer Fine Art, Johannesburg (toured nationally)
Jennifer Stone, 'Freud's Body Ego or Memorabilia of Grief: Lucian Freud and William Kentridge', www.javaribook.com
Michael Godby, 'Robert Hodgins, William Kentridge and Deborah Bell: Hogarth in Johannesburg', Witwatersrand, University Press, Johannesburg, 1990
Michael Godby, 'William Kentridge: Four Animated Films', in William Kentridge: Drawings for Projection, Goodman Gallery, Johannesburg, 1992 (catalogue)
'4th International Biennale of Istanbul,' The Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts, 1995 (catalogue)
Sue Williamson, 'Ashraf Jamal, Art in South Africa: The Future Present', David Philip, Cape Town/Johannesburg, 1996
'Delta', ARC Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, 1997 (catalogue)
Catherine David and Jean-Francois Chevrier, 'Politics -Poetics Documenta X the book', Museum Fredericianum, Kassel, Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern-Ruit, 1997 (catalogue)
Rory Doepel, 'Ubu 101: William Kentridge, Robert Hodgins, Deborah Bell', Observatory Museum, Standard Bank National Festival of the Arts, Grahamstown, 1997 (catalogue)
Jurassic Technologies Revenant, 10th Sydney Biennale 1997, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Artspace, Ivan Dougherty Gallery, 1997 (catalogue)
Sexta Bienal de Habana: el individuo y su memoria, Centro Wilfredo Lam, Havana, 1997 (catalogue)
'Truce: Echoes of Art in an Age of Endless Conclusions', Site Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1997 (catalogue)
Michael Godby, 'William Kentridge's History of the Main Complaint: Narrative, Memory, Truth', in Sarah Nuttal and Carli Coetzee, Negotiating the Past: the Making of Memory in South Africa, Oxford University Press, Cape Town, 1998
Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, 'William Kentridge, Palais des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles', Brussels, 1998 (catalogue)